A morning walk around HAS Boy Scout Woods in High Island was not hopping with birds, with a general feel that maybe quite a few of yesterday afternoons bounty had lifted off during the night. As we made our way to the cathedral we needed to kick a Lincoln's Sparrow off the boardwalk to proceed, while a male Common Yellowthroat hopped along the edge of the path too. There were some goodies, not least this vivid Prothonotary Warbler dangling invitingly, and a Louisiana Waterthrush hid in the shadows at the edge of Prothonotary Pond. Above the Chimney Swifts were in full flow now, regularly let us know they were now firmly in. A Swainson's Thrush hiding in the shadowy leaf litter was my first for the North American spring season (although they had kept me company during the winter months in NW Ecuador), and the melancholy song of the Wood Thrush emanated from the brush in many places today.
Rollover Pass was on form as ever, with the "full suite" of small plovers present, including Wilson's, Snowy and Piping Plovers.
Rollover Pass was on form as ever, with the "full suite" of small plovers present, including Wilson's, Snowy and Piping Plovers.
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