05 May 2011

A taster...COLORADO (May)

Well I have to admit I have yet to be able to process my Greater Sage-Grouse shots from Colorado (and so am posting some "emergency" ones here as a taster of more to come), possibly one of the greatest surprises in birding I have had to date. I went in completely unprepared for what would unfold in front of our eyes. This was simply put right up there with one of the greatest avian spectacles I have ever seen (and yes I include the birds-of-paradise in this assessment). I urge any birder to go and experience these birds, for lovers of strange bird behavior this was up there with the best of them. The males strutted, fanned their pointed tail feathers out, made bizarre plopping sounds, and thrust out strange pink "breasts" that made for a completely unique and freakishly comical scene. We laughed at them, but reveled in the whole thing, which was a genuine spectacle.

More to come from this Colorado chicken run soon...

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