13 May 2011

LIFER...OHIO (13 May)

Friday 13th is not a date that you expect to get lucky but for me it was one sweet day, where I finally put my nemesis bird to bed. Yes, I finally, after three long tortuous years got my lifer Connecticut Warbler at the warbler magnet Magee Marsh. A sweet moment. There was a little frustration when the crowd amassing at the famous boardwalk could clearly see it, (and I was quite clearly blocked), but then there it was crisp white eye ring and long, long undertail coverts and all. The most obvious "slam dunk" Connecticut of all. The eye ring glowed, my life list crept up undeniably by one. Memorable Magee moment...

Here is a truly terrible, though personal, photo of the memory to treasure for me for a long, lone time anyway! Poor photo, awesome bird, sorry.


Peter Alfrey said...

nice1 samuel

Lee Dingain said...

Damn it! That was about the only wood-warbler species I still had up on you!