07 May 2011

Ode to Ottawa (and Magee)...OHIO (7 May)

I begun my day working the woodlots of Ottawa NWR, where an Ovenbird showed its unhappiness at me disturbing it from its hiding place in the leaf litter by flaring up its burnt orange crest at me. An Alder Flycatcher yelled out for "free beer" in the woods and was my first of season. Other highlights today was a bright Blue-winged Warbler and an even brighter male Prothonotary Warbler that led a band of 17 warblers tallied on my personal list today. OK so this was not up to the ridiculous high standard set yesterday where I managed a personal best of 28 warbler species in the day, but this felt pretty nice all the same, and I would take this day again in a heartbeat!

Here are some photos of an American Redstart form today, and a shamelessly tame Philadelphia Vireo both from Magee Marsh.

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