14 May 2011

Magee Update...OHIO (14 May)

After the good fortune that the unluckiest day (Friday 13th) on the calendar brought me yesterday, today was a bit deflated. Warbler diversity at Magee Marsh was still high - some 24 warblers seen. Of this illustrious list, I only managed a "paltry" 21 species, without chasing a thing. This is very typical of Magee though. You simply wander around casually, covering less than a mile of boardwalk and walk away with a sterling list of warblers that other birding venues would die for! Among the star turns were several Black-throated Blue Warblers, Canada Warblers (including the first females of the spring), and a rather sad looking Black-throated Green looking moribund just off the trail. Let's hope this warbler which has come so far on its epic journey makes it through the night. Other highlights included a very showy Gray-cheeked Thrush (that was supported by the full thrush contingent in Magee, including Swainson's, Veery and Wood also along the famous migrant magnet boardwalk).

Sadly, the Connecticut appeared to have moved on, or had returned to master-skulker status, although with ten days left in the area I hope to catch up with the "ringed one" once more before I head back south into the tropics of Ecuador once more...

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