My last few days in Magee Marsh saw another push of migrants although the mix had changed markedly. Warblers seemed to be being challenged un numbers by a mass of flycatchers that have moved in on the Sunday at least. The warbler mix also held a number of female birds, like Blackburnian, Canadas, and even the odd female Wilson's too. Alder Flycatchers called regularly, Least Flycatchers also showed up in good numbers too, outnumbering their similar cousin the Yellow-bellied that was also around the boardwalk too. Although the star flycatcher of the Sunday at least was a statuesque Olive-sided that seemed rooted to a dead snag all day long. A good few days to mark the sad drawing to a close of my migration season, something I always find hgard to leave behind.
My migration season began in High Island (Texas) in late March with Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and a mass of shorebirds, and ended at Magee Marsh with a flurry of warblers and flycatchers, and this wonderful shorebird-an American Woodcock that on this occasion at least did a bad job of blending into its surrounds. A fitting end seeing as they have been so visible this year along the Magee boardwalk, where rarely a day would go by without one of these dumpy shorebirds being on view somewhere along this rightly famous boardwalk.
My migration season began in High Island (Texas) in late March with Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and a mass of shorebirds, and ended at Magee Marsh with a flurry of warblers and flycatchers, and this wonderful shorebird-an American Woodcock that on this occasion at least did a bad job of blending into its surrounds. A fitting end seeing as they have been so visible this year along the Magee boardwalk, where rarely a day would go by without one of these dumpy shorebirds being on view somewhere along this rightly famous boardwalk.
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