I spent the next few days with a relaxed group of Finnish photographers. I say relaxed, although they were only relaxed about birds, though were very professional and focused about nature photography. A great portion of the day was spent taking in the hummingbird extravaganza on the Tandayapa Bird Lodge balcony where Violet-tailed Sylphs, Brown Incas, Purple-throated Woodstars, Purple-bibbed Whitetips, Western Emeralds and others vied for the attention of their lenses. We did also make an early morning foray to the hide where a couple of Scaled Antpittas sneaked in the half-light of dawn to feast on worms laid out for them. One or two birds are apparently coming in daily in the early hours at the moment, as proved by this visit. Also around the blind were a White-throated Quail-dove, a pair of extremely close Immaculate Antbirds, and a Chestnut-capped Brush-finch. A North American migrant Canada Warbler was also hanging out at the back of the lodge on the Tanager Trail.
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