Well, after the last of the Sandhill Cranes had lifted off from the pools along the main highway into Bosque del Apache, there was nothing more to do but go looking for a white haze. It did not take much finding. The thing is with monstrous gatherings of Snow Geese is they are quite noisy, and very, very white. On top of that, they draw quite a crowd in these parts. In short, they were almost impossible to miss. A large flock of them sailed around a large field, creating quite racket in the process. Then finally they settled down, and at such close quarters. There they mixed with the local Sandhill Cranes that were also after the grain. Most of the mass were your bog standard white geese, although here and there a sore thumb could be found in the form of several "blue geese", my first such encounter with them. I am not exaggerating to say this incredible scene of thousands of Snow Geese creating a din from their calls, intermixed with stately Sandhill Cranes that majestically walked among them was a true natural wonder, which had me literally shaking my head in disbelief. I hear rumours that bigger gatherings can be found in Nebraska in spring. I am not sure my head could take much more. The scene left you confused as to which way to turn and which way to shoot. It was bewildering, exhilarating, and something I want to repeat again soon....
More from New Mexico on its way...
More from New Mexico on its way...
1 comment:
Such sights as the cranes and geese of Bosque must be experienced firsthand to be fully comprehended. Another spot that is equal to, if not even more overwhelming are the Islas Ballestas in Peru. MILLIONS of seabirds, penguins, boobies, pelicans, cormorants, Inca Terns etc. Been There?
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