12 April 2012

Now that's a RED Knot...TEXAS

With no photos on the horizon today, despite two Swainson's Warblers in Houston Audubon Boy Scout Woods seen on High Island today, here are some evening shots taken down at the shore...Red Knot and Marbled Godwit from Bolivar Flats a few days back. Nice to see a Red Knot living up to its name. The dozen or so birds that have been seen of late seem to have largely been drab grey ones thus far!

Other birds seen at High Island today by me include a young male Blue Grosbeak, outsizing the surrounding Indigo Buntings, a skittish Worm-eating Warbler, and a Prothonotary Warbler in our back garden before I had even had my first cup of tea of the day! More confiding Prothonotaries were also seen across the street in Boy Scout Woods. A Least Bittern ghosting across the wastewater pond at the back was nice to see and my first of the year, but no Purple Gallinule to speak of so far for me this spring. I'll keep checking, they are surely imminent!

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