After little on the morning walk in Boy Scout Woods on High Island, I spent the afternoon being toyed with by a male Painted Bunting. He popped up on the edge of the clearing, only for a band of birders to send him to ground as my shutter went, and then he cropped up in a brush pile but slipped away once more when I tried to stalk him and get him on film. Anyway in light of this I have added 2 very short videos of one from last week. They are very very short, but very sweet!
The drip by the grandstand was lively though. Yellow-breasted Chat sneaked in and out, Kentucky Warbler dropped in, then Hooded Warbler and Black-and-white Warblers, and of course a multitude of "ever-present" Orchard Orioles, Indigo Buntings, Scarlet & Summer Tanagers, and now too some beefy Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (that were out in full force today). However, the Black-billed Cuckoo that came in and posed in the cypress by the drip caused the biggest stir of the afternoon. In general the lot seemed to be pumping with thrushes again, like yesterday, although with a significant boost in Wood Thrushes to compete with the siege of Swainson's Thrushes hopping around the mottes. Wood Thrushes seemed to hop out at every turn, and cause dead leaves to rustle in every corner.
Cool video! Thanks for sharing.
Great video.
I saw Kentucky and Tennessee (interesting juxtaposition of state names) warblers at Hooks yesterday. Got Photos of both at drip there. Also saw a Brown Thrasher amongst the thrushes on the lawn across from Hooks entrance.
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