After a quiet morning in Boy Scout, Iain Campbell and I opted to "play" with our cameras over at the High Island oilfields. A pack of shorebirds were waiting for us and after initial spooking, settled down and allowed us to sidle right up to them for magical photo opportunities. Here is a shot of a pallid Least Sandpiper out the side window of the car (top photo), along with a rusting Long-billed Dowitcher (bottom photo). Other "waders" present included Lesser Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and a lame looking Western Sandpiper that was hobbling rather uncomfortably along. A Gull-billed Tern also swept the marsh one time. Honestly, there was probably more species present but I was fixated on the approachable party at the front side of the pool!
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