The morning walk in Boy Scout Woods was packed with birds, although a markedly different mix from yesterday. Gone were many of the warblers, although masses of thrushes were in attendance. It seemed every step we took brought up a flurry of Swainson's Thrushes. Tanagers too were loaded into the lot, both Scarlet and Summer. The one notable exception to that warbler statement were the Yellow-breasted Chats, that were simply everywhere. In just over an hour we had racked up a minimum of 30 different birds with no effort at all. Some even posed in the sunlight for us too. A remarkable chat event for sure, the likes of which no one I spoke to today seems to have seen before, ever.
In the afternoon things changed with warblers once again flitting around the woods, and a brief stint in the photo blind saw me get this Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Northern Parula, and immature bicolored Summer Tanager, before I tried to click the shutter and realized with horror (and birds teaming all around) my car was full!!!
In the afternoon things changed with warblers once again flitting around the woods, and a brief stint in the photo blind saw me get this Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Northern Parula, and immature bicolored Summer Tanager, before I tried to click the shutter and realized with horror (and birds teaming all around) my car was full!!!
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