Yanacocha's hummer feeders were buzzing, with Buff-winged Starfrontlets and Sapphire-vented Pufflegs ever-presents. In between these birds though were others that darted in and out. Like this Golden-breasted Puffleg, and a male Tyrian Metaltail, with a throat that looked like it had had metallic green paint spilled across it, stood guard over one feeder, in an act of futility: all other species came and went as they pleased anyhow.

There were simply too many hummingbirds to keep at bay! It was not only the hummingbirds though that were fighting for the sugary water, as both Glossy Flowerpiercer and Masked Flowerpiercer also dropped in regularly too. Not only do these "nectar parasites" rob nectar from hummingbirds at wild flowers, but they also manage to do this rather well at feeders!

On the way back down the trail Betty and I enjoyed prolonged looks at a dashingly handsome pair of Golden-crowned Tanagers as the clouds rolled in and out. After a picnic lunch over looking Great Sapphirewings and others at the parking lot feeders, we descended and were on our way to Tandayapa for the final leg of our trip...
1 comment:
After reading your profile, how I feel close!
Living in Ecuador must be quite an exciting life style!
Your photography is outstanding and shows birds never seen in Europe!
Can't wait to be back the road again when I see this! :)
Well done and I'll be back for more!
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