Spent a fantastic morning checking the woods of Oak Openings near Toledo in Ohio. The day opened with this Field Sparrow, (bottom photo) and adorable Tufted Titmouse (top photo) rummaging in the leaf litter. However close by the Mallard Lake a showstopping male Cerulean Warbler in full song stole the show. Aside from that male Summer Tanager, and several cracking good Red-headed Woodpeckers, and a fine batch of Lark Sparrows made this prep walk for the upcoming BIGGEST WEEK IN AMERICAN BIRDING mega birding festival very, very worthwhile. Cannot wait to return there tomorrow...
Sam, I so badly want to go back with you tomorrow. Thanks for helping me take a break.
Gotta love the Oak Openings! Now if someone would just come sit on the front porch with us and tell us what they hear!
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