Here are just a few shots of todays mega Kirtland's Warbler found by Kenn Kaufman on the beach at Magee Marsh. Just wish he hadn't found it while I was marooned (with a bunch of warblers so not all bad) on Kelley's Island out in the "middle" of Lake Erie! On our return to shore a car chase ensued as all the birders from Kelley's raced to the beach to see it. Thankfully the male bird was waiting, happily pumping its tail and posing for a very, very appreciative crowd. He even gave the odd warble...great stuff. Hope he lingers for the weekend warriors coming tomorrow. Two Connecticut Warblers banded at the Black Swamp Bird Observatory banding station (Navarre) today gives us hope for this "Master Skulker" this coming weekend. I might be off site tomorrow afternoon so that could be the prime time for that one!!!
Great stuff continues out there. So sorry I missed it by a day. Just want to say you guys are doing a good job out there. It was enjoyable to make the trip out there.
"It's all getting too much" The brightness is making me reach for my shades! Great Stuff Sam...
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