Today we visited the mountain forests of the Atherton Tablelands in northern Queensland, home to many specialties and gorgeous species. The morning opened with a bold Bassian Thrush feeding in the road, and continued with Gray-headed Robins and Bridled Honeyeaters hopping around our feet in the parking lot, while young male Victoria's Riflebirds practiced their displays above. After picking up Mountain Thornbill, Bower's Shrike-Thrush, Atherton Scrubwren, and a fantastic Fernwren, (third photo) we went after the days most special bird: the valuable Golden Bowerbird. I had to sit this one out and allow the group to go in without me (top photo here from last week there), although I still watched the worst of all mimics, the Tooth-billed Catbird (2nd photo) mimicking by his "stage" closeby. The morning ended with this female Platypus entertaining us. What a morning!
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