Well this was the first day of why we really came to Colorado. I am here with other TB guides Nick Athanas and native Coloradan Andrew Spencer who generously showed us one of his favorite state birds in the far southeast of the state today: the frankly absurd Lesser Prairie-Chicken. An incredibly early start was required (3am ish!) but was worth every sleepless minute. The bubbling, clicking and cackling calls of the much-desired chickens were heard pre-dawn and some subtle maneuvering of our car was required before sunrise before we were settled in prime location, watching over a dozen or more males and a couple of distinctly dowdier females at the lek. The action was simply addictive: the strange noises, the face-offs between the males, and the incredible displays of the males that raised their well-hidden feathered horns, and inflated their rich red gular sacs that would give even a frigatebird a run for its money. My first outrageous chicken experience and I am sold, it was one of the best wildlife experiences I have encountered anywhere. Period.
Heading off for more (different) chicken action tomorrow. Surely it cannot live up to this?!...
Heading off for more (different) chicken action tomorrow. Surely it cannot live up to this?!...