12 March 2012

NEW Ecuador Bird...ECUADOR (24 Feb.)

A final morning was spent in the cloudforest surrounding Cabanas San Isidro on the eastern slope of the Andes. Once again, we awoke to a hive of activity right around the lodge. As with yesterday some of the regulars were there, like the ever-boisterous Inca Jays, (top image) and the stolid Masked Trogon, (second image) along with both Pale-edged Flycatchers (fourth image) and Rufous-breasted Flycatcher, and Slate-throated Redstarts, always pictures of nervous energy (third image).

The now expected family mob of Crested Quetzals regularly appeared, and announced their presence loudly, and a movement in the grass brought me my first Mourning Warbler for Ecuador, a male no less (I had been tipped of of its presence, and was watchful for it if I am honest!).

We took a second shot at seeing the Peruvian Antpitta, (bottom image) and with rain holding off it came in faithfully to its log, where a large leaf laden with juicy worms was hard to resist.

In the afternoon we shed layers as we moved down into the foothills, and the wonderful Wild Sumaco Lodge, where our day closed with a post dinner date with a Band-bellied Owl that displayed its fierce countenance in the spotlight!

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