OK before the swiftlets being hunted down by the ever-opportunistic Bat Hawks at Gomantong Caves, we took a walk down the road from there. Or more specifically, a drive down there to find some hornbills that Chris Kehoe had tipped us off about. The van was soon stalled though by the sight of a close troop of Red Leaf-Monkeys doing what they do best: munching leaves. Then we made our way to the "magic marker", km3, and pressed play on the I-pod. Minutes later these huge winged beasts flew in, a group of 3 White-crowned Hornbills! The scarcest of the Bornean species that responded impressively to imitations of their owl-like calls. Superb, what a day: thousands of swiftlets, millions of bats, Orang-Utan threatening us, hornbills pursuing us, and Red Leaf-Monkeys nonchalant about us!
A final last minute endemic was still to come out of Sukau right around our lodge though the next morning...
A final last minute endemic was still to come out of Sukau right around our lodge though the next morning...
1 comment:
Nice photos:) The monkeys look quite refined.
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