16 January 2010

Sacha to Napo Wildlife Center: Amazon Day 4 (Part II)...Ecuador: December 29, 2009


After our thrilling time at the parrot lick we stopped for a brief lunch at the bodega, which was abandoned several times for such standouts as a pair of thick-billed White-eared Jacamars, and a gaudy Orange-backed Troupial glowing orange from a dark tangle. Then it was back into the boats, although this time into a smaller canoe, where we enjoyed a great afternoon being paddled down the forest-fringed creek to Napo Wildlife Center. It may have taken us hours to get there, though there was never a dull moment as this waterway is just fantastic for birds and other wildlife. As we gently made our way down the channel we ran into troops of Common Squirrel Monkeys passing right over the top of our boat from one side of the creek to the other (top photo), although the A-list primate that afternoon was a Night Monkey peeking out of its roosting hole (bottom photo). Avian highlights were many too, that included the rare, semi-nocturnal Zigzag Heron quietly sitting on its riverside nest (second photo), and a very vocal White-chinned Jacamar calling from alongside our canoe (third photo), 4 species of kingfisher, and several more herons including Rufescent Tiger-heron and Boat-billed Heron. A bunch of hissing Hoatzins and “whooping” Black-capped Donacobious greeted us as we arrived at the scenic lake alongside which this excellent lodge is based, and almost our last bird of the day was an ivory Capped Heron perched by the lakeside.

1 comment:

Lee Dingain said...

What is it with you and Zig-zag Herons? Do you ever dip them?