Next stop for me is southern Ecuador, and the lure of Tumbesian endemics and highland rarities. Posts to come soon from "down south"...
31 January 2011
Sparklers of the Andes...ECUADOR (Jan. '11)
Next stop for me is southern Ecuador, and the lure of Tumbesian endemics and highland rarities. Posts to come soon from "down south"...
30 January 2011
More colorful fruiteaters...ECUADOR (Jan 2011)
Back to focus on the hummers at the feeders next...
29 January 2011
In your face toucans...ECUADOR Jan. '11
While the so-called celebrity birds at Paz de las Aves like Toucan Barbets and Black-chinned Mountain-Tanagers squabbled with each other for a place at the bananas, this emerald green Crimson-rumped Toucanet slipped in almost unnoticed. Of course, when the earlier posted Dark-backed Wood-Quails came bustling nervously across the trail, we almost forgot to look at the feeders altogether. The trials of where to look first, one of the wonderful burdens of birding on “the bird continent” of South America! There are numerous small green toucans, or toucanets, in Ecuador and South America, although just this species occurs on the western slope of the Andes in Ecuador.
More was to come as we left those fruit feeders behind and checked out the hummer feeders, where various “jewels” were present…
27 January 2011
Clown of the Andes...ECUADOR (Jan. '11)
24 January 2011
Wot no Antpitta! ECUADOR (Jan 2011)
More to come from Paz de Aves soon...
20 January 2011
Tandayapa Trogon ECUADOR (Jan. '11)
Next up was another visit to the "antpitta farm", Paz de Aves refuge near Mindo in NW Ecuador...
Another "Crown Jewel of the Incas" ECUADOR (Jan. '11)
More from Tandayapa shortly-this time NOT a hummer!...
17 January 2011
Hummingbird Bonanza ECUADOR (Jan. '11)
Some other "crown jewels of the Incas" (hummingbirds) to follow...
16 January 2011
Tanagers come to the plate...ECUADOR (Jan '11)
More from Tandayapa Lodge to follow...
15 January 2011
Tanagers Vs. Barbets: ECUADOR
See more of my photos from Ecuador and around the world at my PBase site
Tanager photos to come from Tandayapa next...
14 January 2011
Ibis-fest and camera trouble!...ECUADOR (8 Jan. '11)
Next up was a return visit to Tandayapa Lodge, where the fruit feeders were lively, and another visit to the remarkable Paz de Aves with some "hot" fruit feeders of their own...
09 January 2011
Up onto the Paramo...ECUADOR (8 Jan. '11)
08 January 2011
Hummingbird Royalty on the Tepui...ECUADOR (27 Dec '10)
Next up will be an early Jan visit to the high Andes of Antisana in Ecuador: Condors, caracaras and ibis...
04 January 2011
Orange-throated beauty...ECUADOR (26 Dec '10)
We reached the spot, after several delays due to devious hitch-hikers who took us off route , and straight after leaping out of the car the tanagers were heard overhead. A little playback brought a small group of these stunning Orange-throated Tanagers into a near tree, for poor photos to be obtained (photos). The photos may be bad, although the bird is so breathtaking I hope the sheer beauty of this rare bird shines through nonetheless?! After sleeping off the middle of the day in the car we set off for other scarce birds once the day had cooled a little. Nick went one way I went the other, and when we met up we swapped sightings. I managed to find a vocal pair of Blackish Pewees one way (my 2nd lifer of the day), and Nick had found a White-bellied Pygmy-Tyrant, only very recently found at this site as a first record for Ecuador. We raced back for the pewees just as rain started to slash down, and swiftly after (amid fears we would be cut off from returning back across the river ), we set off for the pygmy-tyrant, and enjoyed smashing views of this tiny rare flycatcher. After tracking an antwswarm that had Hairy-crested Antbird and Zimmer's Antbird in attendance we returned to the lodge with no ferry problems, elated after a landmark day in Ecuador, that brought me 3 lifers, even after five years in the country!
More to come from the Yankuam area, and the famous Tepui Trail, that held the promise of more rare "Peruvian" species...